GoCSM Passive Referral Program GDPR Compliance Policy

Last updated April 17, 2024

GoCSM’s Passive Referral Program allows users to earn commissions on subscriptions of users who sign up after them, even if they haven’t directly referred those individuals. This policy outlines how we handle personal data collected through this program in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. Data Sharing and Consent:

 1.1 Sharing Your Information:

By agreeing to this policy and signing up for GoCSM, you understand that your name and email address may be automatically shared with another GoCSM user (the “Referring User”) if you are identified as a potential referral through our program logic. This sharing will only occur if there is space available in the Referring User’s Passive Referral pool (limited to 3 users).

 1.2 Referring User Obligations:

Upon receiving your information through the Passive Referral Program, the Referring User agrees to:

  • Not use your name and email address for any purpose.
  • Not contact you for marketing purposes or any other reason.

2. Receiving Referral Information (Future Sign-Ups):

 2.1 Sharing Referrals’ Information:

In the future, if you are selected as a Referring User through the program, you understand that GoCSM may share the name and email address of users identified as your potential referrals with you.

 2.2 Your Obligations as Referring User: 

By accepting referrals through the program, you agree to:

  • Not use the information of your potential referrals for any purpose
  • Not contact your potential referrals for marketing purposes or any other reason.

 2.3 Referral Pool Fluctuation

Please be aware that the number of referrals within your Passive Referral pool may fluctuate. If a user assigned to you cancels their GoCSM subscription, their information will be removed from your pool, and you will not receive a replacement referral. You can still potentially earn commissions from the remaining users in your pool.

3. Your Rights:

Even though you haven’t been directly referred, you still have the following rights under GDPR:

  • Right to Access: You can request access to your personal data held by GoCSM.
  • Right to Rectification: You can request inaccurate data be corrected.
  • Right to Erasure: You can request your personal data be deleted.
  • Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request limitations on how your data is processed.
  • Right to Object: You can object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes.
  • Right to Data Portability: You can request your data be transferred to another controller.

To exercise any of these rights, you can contact GoCSM at info@gocsm.com

4. Transparency & Communication:

We are committed to being transparent about our data practices. We encourage you to review both your own and the Referring User’s privacy policy when contacted about GoCSM to understand how they handle your data.

5. Changes to this Policy:

We may update this policy from time to time. We will notify users of any significant changes.

6. Contact Us:

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact GoCSM at info@gocsm.com 

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